

Track, measure and report on key community metrics

On-chain web3 analytics providing insight into the performance of your NFT collections, digital assets and campaigns – enabling brands to measure their success in web3.

Sales & Trading Volume image
Discover sales generated and secondary trading volume

Identify the sales/trading volume of your token collections and royalty revenue generated from across secondary marketplaces including retention and churn rates.

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How it Works

With Analytics, teams can gain deep insight into their collections, campaigns & community.


Analytics Overview

Balloon Analytics offers powerful features to brands to grow their community in web3.

Data Export

Export key data views to CSV format for offline reporting and user convenience.

Date Filter

Filter data using custom date ranges to generate dedicated insight and reporting.

Source Toggle

View analytics across individual NFT collections for granular measurement.

Historical Data

Compare current data with historical figures to identity growth and trends.

Data Visualisation

View your web3 data though an easy-to-use dashboard and user interface.

Data Management

Easily view, modify, sort, filter and export your web3 analytics data.

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